The Eye of Horus

Cover of The Eye of Horus

'The Eye of Horus' is an atmospheric World War Two thriller with settings that move from the Highlands of Scotland via Gibraltar to Malta.

It’s June 1943. Bob and Monique Sutherland are on honeymoon in Kyle of Lochalsh when an unexpected visitor arrives to spoil their idyll.

They agree to travel to Malta to search for two missing men, a young naval lieutenant and an MI6 officer who has disappeared while looking for him. The aerial siege of the island is over and the tide of war has turned but, after three years of bombing, Malta remains a shattered place.

The available leads produce more questions than answers and progress is impeded by lies. As Bob and Monique come closer to discovering what became of the two men, events take a dangerous turn and their priority shifts from enjoying their honeymoon to surviving it.

'The Eye of Horus' by Ken Lussey was published on 18 June 2024. You can find out more about the book, read background information, reviews and excerpts from it and see photographs of the locations used on Ken Lussey's own website.

Cover of The Eye of Horus


NextToTheAisle, 18 June 2024:

  • "Combining elements of war-time set films such as The Guns of Navarone and The Third Man; Lussey weaves another welcome addition to the Sutherland Series."
  • "Lussey has again concocted a thrilling cat and mouse thriller helped by the limitations of the small island's geography and the ever impending threat of an aerial attack by the German air force."
  • "For fans old and new, my hope is that these books do find the larger audience they so richly deserve"
  • "The problem any writer of a series would attest to, is the restrictions of their limited landscape has upon a character's growth, the confinement of war and the familiarity of problems may restrict other writers. However, Lussey has overcome this with great initiative."

Hide and Seek

Cover of Hide and Seek

We published 'Hide and Seek' by Ken Lussey on 26 May 2023. This fast-paced thriller is set in Stirling Castle and more widely across Scotland during World War Two.

It’s April 1943. Medical student Helen Erickson is followed from London to her aunt’s farm in Perthshire. What do her pursuers want?

Meanwhile Monique Dubois is attending a secret meeting at Stirling Castle when an old adversary is murdered in a chilling echo of a dark episode in the castle’s history. Bob Sutherland and the MI11 team are called in and discover that almost everyone who knew the victim had a motive.

Helen disappears and it becomes clear that national security is at stake. Monique sets out to find the missing woman before anyone else does, even if it means killing to protect her. Can Monique find Helen? Can Bob track down the killer at Stirling Castle? And just how dangerous have things become for both of them?

Bloody Orkney

Cover of Bloody Orkney

We published 'Bloody Orkney' by Ken Lussey on 29 June 2021. This is a fast-paced thriller set in Scotland, mainly in Orkney, during World War Two. It's November 1942. Bob Sutherland, Monique Dubois and the Military Intelligence 11 team visit Orkney and its hugely important naval base. But an unidentified body has been found. It's clear that powerful men have things they want to keep hidden and MI11’s arrival threatens the status quo.

The Stockholm Run

Cover of The Stockholm Run

We published 'The Stockholm Run' by Ken Lussey on 26 May 2022. This is a fast-paced thriller set largely in Edinburgh and Stockholm during World War Two.

It’s March 1943. The death of an intruder reveals a hidden military bunker at Dundas Castle near Edinburgh, a living relic of an anti-invasion scheme from earlier in the war. Bob Sutherland and the Military Intelligence 11 team follow a trail that leads to a much larger secret, buried beneath Edinburgh Castle.

As the mystery in Edinburgh unravels, Bob Sutherland and Monique Dubois are sent to Stockholm, a city supposedly at peace in a world at war. There they are to take delivery of a message of critical national importance.

Or is it all a carefully crafted trap? Both encounter ghosts from the past in Sweden. Can their relationship survive what they uncover? Will they live long enough for that to matter?

The First Two Novels

Cover of Eyes Turned Skywards Cover of The Danger of Life

We also sell - again signed and dedicated at no extra cost by Ken Lussey if you wish - paperback editions of his first two thrillers set in Scotland during World War Two, 'Eyes Turned Skywards' and 'The Danger of Life'. These were published by Fledgling Press in 2018 and 2019 respectively.